Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fish and tomatoes,
Onions, garlic and potatoes;
Olive oil, salt and pepper,
Help to make the soup taste better.

A recipe is in the comments due to popular request.


Blogger nk said...

The one I made two days ago, is a relatively simple one-meal soup, easy in preparation but still requiring roughly two and half hours of overall time

In a seven-quart pot I put in two pounds of boneless fish fillets, cod yesterday but I have used just about any boneless fish I can get for $5.00 or $6.00 a pound.
A sixteen ounce can of diced tomatoes
About a pound of thick-cut, half-inch or wider full-length, white onions. If yours are on the smallish side just quarter them.
Two to four cloves of garlic (How much do you like garlic?)
One to two ounces of olive oil
Water to about halfway up the pot. You can add more water at any time if you like it more watery or if the in-laws are dropping by. ^_^

Start it boiling.

Stir in a spoontip of ground black pepper and a teaspoon of salt. (Go easy on the pepper at first because there's nothing there to counteract it)
Stir in a 12 oz can of Campbell's Cream of Celery soup. It gives it a certain body and I like the little green things floating around

After bringing it to a boil, simmer it for at least an hour. I go a little longer to make sure the tomatoes and onions break down enough. I like them practically liquid and amorphous by the end.

After that hour or so, I put in two to three pounds of peeled potatoes, cut to large spoon size chunks. No bigger than 2" dia?

The potatoes vary in cooking time, depending on the brand. Forty minutes to an hour? I like them to be starchy and loose on the outside, it adds body to the soup, but not totally soft as you would make them if you wanted them mashed.

That's it. Keep it covered, low heat (a simmer or low boil) stir a little bit often in the beginning to keep it from sticking, occasionally later.

If I have a little left-over cooked corn and peas from the kid's succotash I throw a few spoonfuls in, when I turn off the heat. That's really optional.

Sat Mar 14, 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're my go-to guy for recipes. Thanks, NK!

Mon Mar 16, 09:22:00 PM  
Blogger nk said...


Tue Mar 17, 08:04:00 PM  

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